Wexford, Pennsylvania apbretirement.com Founded in 1974
Contact Information

American Pension Benefits

The Right Retirement Plan for Every Employer
At APB we believe the small plan market is still underserved and overpriced. We believe that every employer and employee deserves the same cost-effective pricing and advanced technology as every large employer. Privately owned, our service oriented approach is ideal for the small employer looking for big solutions.
  • Basic Info
  • Our Team
Regarding 401k administration: Regarding 403b administration: Regarding 457b administration:

Our Team
Kevin Buckley
Nick Capo
Sales Manager
Important Links
Product Demos
iJoin ACT
Plan Analytics and Custom Messaging
Goals-Based Enrollment
Demo of our online goals based enrollment feature.
Managed Accounts
Our Advisor Managed Accounts Program


We offer a comprehensive platform to help grow and manage your employer sponsored retirement plan business.

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Let us help you fulfil key fiduciary obligations and reduce exposure to ERISA litigation while saving you time.

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As an employee, are you paying reasonable fees on your retirement plan? Let’s find out!

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