Plan Sponsor
A 401k plan sponsor is an employer or organization that establishes and maintains a 401k retirement plan for the benefit of its employees or members. The plan sponsor is responsible for selecting the investment options available in the plan, determining the plan's administrative and operational features, and ensuring that the plan complies with applicable laws and regulations.
The plan sponsor may also hire third-party service providers, such as recordkeepers and investment advisors, to assist with the administration and management of the plan. However, the plan sponsor retains ultimate responsibility for the plan's operation and fiduciary duties.
Plan sponsors have a legal obligation to act in the best interests of plan participants and beneficiaries and to fulfill their fiduciary responsibilities under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA). This includes ensuring that fees and expenses associated with the plan are reasonable and disclosing all relevant information to plan participants.

401k Match
Employers are not required by law to offer matching contributions in a 401k plan. However, many employers choose to do so as a way to encourage employee participation and help employees save for retirement.
If an employer does offer a matching contribution, the terms of the match can vary. Some employers match a percentage of the employee's contributions, while others may match a specific dollar amount. Additionally, there may be restrictions on when the matching contributions are fully vested, meaning when the employee has full ownership of the funds.
It's important to carefully review the terms of your employer's 401k plan to understand if and how they offer a match, and if there are any conditions or restrictions on the matching contributions. If your employer does offer a match, it's generally recommended to contribute at least enough to receive the full match, as it is essentially free money that can help grow your retirement savings faster.

Loan Provisions
A 401k plan is a retirement savings plan sponsored by an employer that allows employees to save a portion of their income before taxes are taken out. While contributions to a 401k plan are meant for retirement, the IRS allows certain provisions for borrowing or withdrawing funds under certain circumstances.
The loan provisions of a 401k plan allow an employee to borrow a portion of their vested account balance, up to a maximum of $50,000 or 50% of their vested account balance, whichever is less. The loan must be repaid with interest, typically within five years, although longer repayment periods may be allowed for loans used to purchase a primary residence. The interest rate for the loan is usually tied to the prime rate and may be slightly higher than the current prime rate.
It's important to note that not all 401k plans allow for loans, and even those that do may have specific rules and limitations, so it's important to check with your plan administrator for details.
In addition to loans, a 401k plan may also allow for hardship withdrawals, which are withdrawals made from the plan due to an immediate and heavy financial need, such as medical expenses, funeral costs, or the purchase of a primary residence. Hardship withdrawals may be subject to income taxes and a 10% penalty if the employee is under age 59½.
It's important to remember that while loans and hardship withdrawals may provide a source of short-term financial relief, they can have a significant impact on an employee's retirement savings, as they reduce the amount of money that can continue to grow tax-deferred in the account. Therefore, it's generally recommended that these options be used only as a last resort after all other options have been exhausted.

Auto Escalation
Auto escalation in a 401k plan refers to a feature that allows participants to automatically increase their contributions to the plan over time. With this feature, a participant can elect to have their contributions increase by a certain percentage or dollar amount each year, typically up to a predetermined maximum.
The purpose of auto escalation is to help participants save more for retirement by gradually increasing their contributions without requiring them to take any action. By automatically increasing their contributions, participants can benefit from compounding returns and potentially achieve their retirement savings goals more quickly.
Auto escalation can be a valuable tool for retirement savers, especially for those who struggle with saving consistently or who may forget to increase their contributions over time. It can also help employees who are automatically enrolled in a plan to start saving at a higher rate without having to actively make that decision.

Automatic 401k Enrollment
Automatic 401k enrollment is a feature offered by some employers that automatically enrolls employees in their 401k retirement savings plan. With this feature, new employees are enrolled in the plan by default, and they must take action to opt out of the plan if they choose not to participate.
The idea behind automatic enrollment is to encourage more employees to save for retirement by making it easier and more convenient for them to participate. Many employees fail to enroll in their employer's retirement plan simply because they never get around to it or find the process confusing.
Automatic enrollment aims to overcome these obstacles by making enrollment automatic and straightforward, often using default investment options and contribution rates. It is important to note that employees can still adjust their contribution rates or investment options once enrolled in the plan.

Can I Make Roth Contributions in a 401k Plan?
Yes, some 401k plans offer a Roth option that allows you to make after-tax contributions. These contributions are then invested and grow tax-free, and you won't have to pay taxes on the money when you withdraw it during retirement.
However, not all 401k plans offer a Roth option, so you should check with your plan administrator to see if it's available. Also, there are limits to how much you can contribute to a Roth 401k each year, just like with traditional 401k contributions. In 2023, the annual contribution limit for both traditional and Roth 401k contributions is $22,500, with an additional catch-up contribution of $7,500 for those age 50 and older.

Simple IRA vs. 401k
A Simple IRA (Savings Incentive Match Plan for Employees) is typically used by small businesses with fewer than 100 employees. It allows employees to contribute a portion of their pre-tax income to the plan, up to a certain limit, and employers are required to make either a matching contribution or a non-elective contribution. Contributions to a Simple IRA are tax-deductible, and the money grows tax-deferred until it's withdrawn in retirement. Simple IRA plans have lower contribution limits than 401k plans, which can make them a good choice for small businesses that want to offer retirement benefits without incurring high administrative costs.
A 401k is a retirement savings plan offered by larger employers. It allows employees to contribute a portion of their pre-tax income to the plan, up to a certain limit, and employers may also make contributions to the plan. The money in a 401k grows tax-deferred until it's withdrawn in retirement, and contributions to a 401k are tax-deductible. 401k plans typically have higher contribution limits than Simple IRA plans, and some employers may also offer matching contributions, profit-sharing contributions, or other incentives to encourage employees to save for retirement.
In summary, while both a Simple IRA and a 401k are retirement savings plans, the Simple IRA is typically used by small businesses with lower contribution limits and required employer contributions, while the 401k is more commonly offered by larger employers with higher contribution limits and optional employer contributions.

Cash Balance Pension Plan
A cash balance pension plan is a type of defined benefit retirement plan that combines features of both traditional pensions and defined contribution plans. In a cash balance plan, the employer contributes a set percentage of each employee’s compensation into an individual account, similar to a defined contribution plan.
However, the employee’s account balance is based on a predetermined formula that calculates the hypothetical balance of a traditional pension plan, with a guaranteed rate of return. This formula typically takes into account the employee’s age, years of service, and salary history.
The employee is guaranteed to receive at least the vested portion of their account balance, which accrues over time, and can receive a lump sum payout or an annuity payment upon retirement. Unlike traditional pensions, which typically provide an ongoing stream of income throughout retirement, cash balance plans typically provide a single distribution at retirement.
Cash balance plans are regulated by the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) and are typically offered by employers as a way to provide retirement benefits to their employees while managing the risk and cost associated with traditional pension plans.

Solo 401K
A Solo 401k is a retirement savings plan designed for self-employed individuals or business owners who do not have any full-time employees, other than themselves and their spouse. Also known as a one-participant 401k, it operates similarly to a traditional 401k plan, but with some distinct differences.
With a Solo 401k, you can make contributions as both the employer and the employee, allowing you to save more money for retirement compared to other self-employed retirement accounts like a SEP IRA or a SIMPLE IRA. As the employee, you can contribute up to $19,500 in 2021 and 2022, and if you are over 50 years old, you can make an additional catch-up contribution of $6,500. As the employer, you can contribute up to 25% of your net self-employment income up to a maximum of $58,000 in 2021 and 2022.
Solo 401k plans offer several benefits, including tax-deferred growth, flexible contribution options, and the ability to borrow against your retirement savings.

New Comparability Profit Sharing Plan
New comparability profit sharing is a type of profit sharing plan that allows employers to allocate a larger percentage of the company's profits to certain employees, typically higher-paid or key employees, compared to a traditional profit sharing plan.
In a new comparability profit sharing plan, the employer groups employees into different categories based on their compensation levels, job titles, or other factors. Each group is then assigned a different percentage of the company's profits to be allocated as contributions to their retirement accounts.
For example, the employer may assign 10% of profits to a group of executives earning $200,000 or more per year, while assigning only 5% to a group of administrative staff earning less than $50,000 per year.
This type of plan can be attractive to employers who want to reward and retain their top-performing employees, while still offering some level of retirement benefits to all employees. However, it can also be complex to set up and administer, and may require the services of a financial professional or retirement plan expert.